IP to Decimal Converter

Converts IPv4 and IPv6 to Decimal and vice versa

Use Cases

Network Administration

Network administrators often need to convert IP addresses to decimal format for various network management tasks, such as troubleshooting, configuring routers and firewalls, or monitoring network traffic.

Database Management

IP addresses are often stored in databases for various purposes. Converting IP addresses to decimal format can optimize database storage and indexing, making it easier to search, retrieve, or manipulate IP address data.


Developers may need to convert IP addresses to decimal format while working on networking-related applications, scripts, or tools. This conversion can be helpful for various tasks, such as IP address validation, subnet calculations, generating IP address ranges, or comparing IP address data sets.

IP To Decimal FAQ

IP to Decimal conversion is the process of converting an IP address from its standard dotted-decimal notation (e.g., to its decimal representation (e.g., 3232235521).

IP to Decimal conversion can be useful in various scenarios, such as network administration, IP geolocation, data analysis, security analysis, database management, and programming. It can help with tasks like troubleshooting, sorting, filtering, and processing IP address data.

Yes, IP to Decimal conversion is reversible. You can convert an IP address to decimal and then convert the decimal representation back to the original IP address.